APRIL 15, 2018
Would a U.S. President who holds an unprecedented meeting with a North Korean Leader, particularly after a confrontational nuclear threat, hope to get a Nobel Prize?
An enterprising, self-proclaimed deal-maker would most likely hope so. Particularly that his predecessor as U.S. President received it only by offering peaceful intentions.
The prize was established by Alfred Nobel, who made his fortune selling dynamite. Norway is the country where the decision is made. In the early weeks of his presidential takeover,
President Trump, while dismissing migrants from Africa and Haiti, singled out Norway as a country from where he would welcome immigrants. Clearly, a country that has one of the highest
levels of citizens' happiness could hardly encourage immigration to the U.S. Like from most countries, there are actually Norwegian communities, particularly in the Midwest. A certain
appeal to Norwegians by President Trump and his early meetings with Norwegian senior officials, including the Prime Minister, may reflect mainly his personal attitude, but more
relevantly, it could also help if
his name was being considered for the coveted prize.
Certainly a change in the Presidential team where a former diplomat like Ambassador Bolton -- regardless of his aggressive positions -- replacing a military general, regardless of his
efficient work, would allow for required diplomatic contacts when and if necessary.
Even a shared prize with the North Korean leader may be a possibility, after all, conflicting leaders like President Sadat of Egypt and Prime Minister Begin of Israel and other
Middle Eastern leaders in conflict, received it. Obviously with two particularly unpredictable leaders, wavering between a big bang and a big deal, seeking a sky-high ego trip for
peace would be a calming option. Otherwise, as France's Emperor Louis XV announced to Madame Pompadour: "Apres moi, le Delouge."
It is just an observation. Time will tell.