15 MARCH 2015
The Commission on Global Security, Justice & Governance, a flagship project undertaken jointly by The Hague Institute for Global Justice and The Stimson Center, was officially launched
on 21 November 2014 in Washington, D.C. Co-chaired by former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former Nigerian Foreign Minister and UN Under-Secretary-General for Political
Affairs Professor Ibrahim Gambari, the Commission will release, in June 2015, a focused set of global policy and institutional reform recommendations, in advance of the United Nations'
70th Anniversary Summit planned for September 2015 in New York. The project is designed to start a conversation in the tradition of the 1995 Commission on Global Governance and 2004
High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges, and Change and will consider new frameworks for collective action on critical issues such as stage fragility, the global e-conomy, and the
anticipated effects of climate change on peoples' lives and livelihoods.
In addition to commissioning more than twenty background papers, the team behind the project held recent consultations in The Hague (business and human security), New Delhi
(cyber-governance and security), Lima (climate governance), New York (UN Member States and Experts Consultations), and at the Munich Security Conference (fragile and conflict-affected
states) and International Studies Association Annual Meeting (global security, justice, and UN reform). These are summarized on
their website and several on-line experts' consultations
are also underway.
Prior to the global launch of the report in mid-June in The Hague, the "City of Peace and Justice", the Commission will deliberate again on 1 April 2015, in New York. It is hoped that
the Commission's diagnosis of global problems and ideas on a way forward will help to initiate and sustain a policy dialogue on innovations towards a global governance architecture
commensurate to today's transnational challenges. The work of the Commission could be followed online, on the website and on Twitter using the handle @BetterGlobalGov and the hashtag
#SecJustGov .